West Yorkshire Police Band

Full Street Address:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Organisation Characteristics:
Geographical area: Regional
Information last updated: 28th March 2023

The West Yorkshire Police Band primarily performs for the entertainment of the community within West Yorkshire. Our concert programme varies from classical to rock; solemn to uplifting and caters for all tastes.

As a full brass band we have around 25 to 30 players but can also provide smaller ensembles which is ideal for smaller venues or occasions.

We are available to lead, or be part of, civic and ceremonial parades.

We can also provide a fanfare trumpet team in full regalia, adding a musical flourish to any grand event or ceremony.

We can supply buglers for Last Post engagements throughout the county.

You can follow the band on Twitter @WYP_band

Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/westyorkshirepoliceband