Upper Heaton Working Together Group

Full Street Address:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Organisation Characteristics: Not for Profit Organisation
Geographical area: Frizinghall & Heaton, Toller
Has documents: Annual accounts, Bank account, Constitution or other governing document, Equal opportunities or diversity policy or statement, Health and safety policies, Regular committee meetings with minutes, Safeguarding (child, adult protection) policies
Information last updated: 18th April 2023

The group aims to promote community cohesion in the Upper Heaton (Haworth Road/Duchy Drive, BD9) area.
We invite all service organisations and public bodies etc who provide services in the UHWT area along with all residents of the area to be members of the group with the aim of coordinating events and activities and disseminating information.
UHWT aims to influence decisions of the council, councillors, police, housing authority and health authority to influence the provision of services and amenities in the area.