Subud Bradford

Full Street Address: Subud Bradford, 2A Baildon Road
Postal Code: BD17 6AE
Phone Number:
Organisation Characteristics: Not for Profit Organisation
Geographical area: Baildon, Shipley
Has documents: Annual accounts, Bank account, Constitution or other governing document
Information last updated: 19th April 2023

Subud is an international association of people who follow the latihan kejiwaan, an Indonesian term translating literally as ‘spiritual training’ or ‘spiritual exercise’. The basis and aim of Subud is for members to embrace the qualities of susila, budhi and dharma such that they may worship and live in accordance with the will of God for the individual member.

Subud is not a religion but a spiritual practice. It enables people of different religious backgrounds and beliefs to worship together. - see details of when we meet

Our Hall is available for hire