
Full Street Address:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Organisation Characteristics: Not for Profit Organisation, Paid Workers, Takes short-term volunteers/ placements, Takes long-term volunteers
Geographical area:
Has documents: Annual accounts, Bank account, Equal opportunities or diversity policy or statement, Health and safety policies, Regular committee meetings with minutes, Safeguarding (child, adult protection) policies
Information last updated: 28th March 2023

Friendship and Dating service for adults with a Learning Disability

Statistics show that around 50% of people with learning disabilities feel isolated, and one in five say they do not have any friends, which can have serious consequences on both their mental and physical health. But up and down the country we’ve been trying to change that.

Luv2meetU brings over 400 people with learning disabilities together throughout the year, helping them make friends, be part of a community and have more choice in life.

Luv2meetU is a subsidiary of a national charity called the HF Trust that works with people with a learning disability.