J.B. Priestley Society

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Organisation Characteristics: Not for Profit Organisation
Geographical area: Regional
Has documents: Constitution or other governing document
Information last updated: 30th March 2023

Objects are to widen the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the literary and other published works of J.B.Priestley. To promote the study of his life and career and the social,cultural and political forces which influenced him and to provide members with opportunities to share experiences and knowledge of his life,works and career.

Members of the Society come from all walks of life, their one common attribute being an interest in J.B. Priestley. Anybody, anywhere in the world, is most welcome to join us.

Benefits of membership are as follows:

A copy of the Society Journal and four newsletters per year.
Up to date information about Society events and activities.
Invitation to celebrity lectures, talks, seminars, walks, social evenings, other events and the Annual Priestley Society Dinner.
Up to date information and access to other J.B. Priestley events not organised by the Society, e.g. new productions of plays and book launches.
Close links with Special Collections at the University of Bradford, home to the J.B. Priestley Archive that houses virtually all Priestley’s plays, novels, critical and philosophical works, plus theatre programmes, letters, memorabilia, photographs, scripts, press cuttings and much more.
Access to consult The J.B. Priestley Collection at Senate House Library in the University of London. This was formed in 2005 at the instigation of Tom Priestley, J.B.’s son, and of the Priestley Society. The collection contains first and other distinctive editions of Priestley works.
Up to date information regarding Society publications and new editions of Priestley’s own works.
Invitation to organised theatre trips.